Dennis Thomas
Hello Friends and Family,
It only seems like yesterday, when I partook in our community events as a teenager during the early years of COMA, tuning the soundboard for Mom’s (Mercy) songs. Today, I have the privilege to lead as President. Dad (Mohan) was in the Indian Air Force, and we journeyed to a few bases in India; however, most of my fondest memories are from Central Kerala. My wife (Syja) and I share the same hometown in Kerala. We have two kiddos (Isaiah and Faith). I used to be a quiet person, but the military appropriately chiseled that out. From those who know me to those who have yet to find out, let us make this a helpful and memorable 2022 together.
At Your Service,
Dennis | 6147729939

Anitha Ancelen
SecretaryI am Anitha Ancelen. I am staying In Marysville Ohio with my husband John and 2 sons Stevie and Dannie. I am a teacher by profession. I hail from Kollam district. I am excited to to be part of COMA executive team.