This January we are stepping into a new decade. January is the month related to making resolutions and new beginnings. According to T.S.Elliot’s quote, “Every moment is a fresh beginning,” points that you can make goals and start new things at any moment in your life. Usually, 35% of people who make a New year’s resolution break them by the end of January and only 23% of people carry out their resolutions for the whole year. Making a resolution every month and executing it, is much better. Are you one of that 23%? Do let us know in the comments section of the COMA newsletter.
Hello from COMA EC team 2020,
Many thanks for letting us bring joy to you. This year we promise to work towards making us more stronger and closer, bring fun-filled gatherings to you. Of course nothing of which would be possible without the tremendous support and the community spirit from each one of you.
We also request every one of you to purchase your membership , which is our working capital to progress and maintain a place where we can re-invent & our kids can invent their Malayalee identity.

COMAngam 2020
We would like to take this opportunity to kick off this year’s events with a bash with our first event “COMAngam 2020”, on 29th of February.We are hoping to create some good memories on a date which comes once in 4 years. The venue of the event will be DCRC. The event will follow the popular format of having teams among us.
This time there will 2 teams each lead by 2 captains. We encourage everyone to reach out on to get included in the team.Watch out for the registration opening notification on COMA’s social handles.We are thrilled to see you all there.
Introducing the new Newsletter team

Smitha Sasindran
She is from Trivandrum and live in Powell with her husband Sanjay , daughter Saanvi and son Saatvik. She is very excited to be a part of newsletter team this year and would like to take this opportunity to connect with the community in creative and fun ways and hopefully provide valuable content along the way.

Nithya & Sreejith Menon
They both landed in the US in 2011 & made Columbus their home since then. They originally hail from Palakkad and Thrissur districts. They have two kids – Shriya and Pranav.

Ravi Hariharan
He is from Cochin and has been living in Columbus since 2011. Currently lives in Powell with his wife Ramya, daughter Sahana and son Saanav. He loves listening to songs, watching movies and playing cricket, tennis and ping pong.

Daughter of Sudheesh and Lekshmi is a 6th grader at John Sells Middle School. She has lived with her parents and her brother, Gautham in Dublin since 2016. Her hobbies are reading, writing and playing with her brother.
We have some new volunteers for Malayalam classes

Sophia Kurien
She is a Master’s degree holder in Software Engineering from TKM Institute of Technology & Science.She was working as an Assistant Professor at the department of Computer Scinece at MBITS college Kothamangalam for 4.5 years before coming to the USA .

Veena Binoop
Veena is from Aluva, Ernakulam. She completed her Masters in Malayalam from Mahatma Gandhi university and was working as teacher in Christava Mahilalayam public school till mid 2017 before moving to Columbus. She is living in Brittonwoods Dublin with her husband Binoop and two sons Devarsh & Aaarush. She loves reading, cooking, hanging out with friends & family and watching movies.
Volunteers for our Meals On Wheels
January 26,2020 Thomas Pullumpallil,Reuben Varughese,Shome Thomas,Rianna Shome
January 12,2020 Nish Nishant, Pradeesh, Anoop Nair
December 22,2019 Joseph Abraham, Nancy Joseph, Joshua Abraham, Rachael Abraham
December 8,2019 Valsan Palika, Gopi Haridass, Maya Achen
November 24,2019 Nish Nishant, Austin Pereira, Ceby Philip
November 10,2019 Sunil Balkrishnan, Jerry Zachariah, Vipin NairYour dedication and compassion should be well praised!

Shantha Gopalakrishnan, 75, wife of P.G.Gopalakrishnan, former chairman of Institute of Engineers (India) died in Kochin on January 8th 2020. She belonged to the Kettidathil family, Mayyanad, Kollam. She is survived by son Vikas Gopal (Columbus Ohio), daughter-in-law Arati Krishna, and grandchildren Varun Gopal and Karun Gopal.
We convey our heartfelt condolences to the grieving family . Please keep them in your prayers.