COMA July 2016 Newsletter

Hi friends,

COMA Newsletter June 2016

Hi friends, 

FullSizeRender (1)It’s officially summer! I don’t know about you but it’s amazing how sometimes you can forget how long you’ve been waiting to feel the warmth, and when it’s finally here you start to complain about the days being too hot! Must be the Malayalee in me

Many of you may be planning your long annual vacation back home or short trips in and around the US. We’d love to hear of your travels! I personally dream of sweet alphonso mangas, ripe chakkas, succulent rambutan, squishy yet delightful mangosteen and of course karikku vellum! Yes…I dream a lot about food! And of the monsoon and torrential Kerala rains that brings a new lease of life to the land. 

I would love to publish an article on a members visit back home with lots of pictures of their tharavadu, the scenery, the people, the favorite thattukada, the local puzha and of course the delectable food!  

The COMA Annual Picnic is just around the corner. Get ready for yet another exciting opportunity to mingle and get sporty with your COMA friends. 

Until next issue…

Warm regards,

Anu Kurian

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COMA Newsletter May 2016

Hello friends,

FullSizeRender-2May has been a rather busy month. And as we head into June, the weeks seem to get busier and busier. Those with school holidays around the corner know what I mean. 

We lost music legend Prince who lived by his famous words, “A strong spirit transcends rules”. 

May and June also heralds Graduation season. I’m sure we all know a few graduates moving on from their safe zones into the exciting world of college. We look at them thinking, where has time flown? 

So I take this opportunity to congratulate all the 2016 graduates among us and share with you some wonderful words by Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook in her commencement speech at University of California, Berkeley. 

“You will be defined not just by what you achieve, but by how you survive. It is the greatest irony of my life that losing my husband helped me find deeper gratitude- gratitude for the kindness of my friends, the love of my family and the laughter of my children. My hope is that you can find gratitude- not just on the good days like today, but on the hard ones when you will really need it.”

“We can each define ambition and progress for ourselves. The goal is to work toward a world where expectations are not set by the stereotypes that hold us back, but by our personal passion, talents and interests. “

Until next issue…

Warm regards

Anu Kurian

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COMA Newsletter April 2016

Hi friends,

FullSizeRender-2It’s April, the month of Vishu! Vishu is a quintessentially Malayali festival, which will be celebrated in Kerala on 14th April this year. The most important event in Vishu is the Vishukanni, which literally means ‘the first thing seen on the day of Vishu after waking up’. Homes are painstakingly decorated with auspicious articles that signify prosperity with the intent to please Lord Krishna. Hindu’s all over Kerala flock to ‘ambalams’ to celebrate this most auspicious festival.

 Vishu is traditionally celebrated with great pomp and grandeur, with nilavilakkus and fireworks display (Vishupdakkam). Other exciting customs at Vishu include buying new clothes (Puthukodi), giving of money (Vishukkaineetum) and a gastronomic feast to go with it (Vishu Sadhya).

Another famous 200 year old tradition, Thrissur Pooram will be celebrated on April 17th. One of India’s most spectacular festivals, it involves 30+ colorfully costumed elephants parading through town on their way to the Vadakkunnathan temple. 

In light of the recent catastrophe in Kollam, I hope that this year’s celebrations remain safe. In any case, I wish all of you a very happy and prosperous Vishu! 

Until next issue…

Stay Warm

Anu Kurian

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COMA Newsletter March 2016

Editor’s letter

Hello Friends,

FullSizeRender-2It’s officially Spring! The clocks have turned. Buds have already started appearing on trees. My daffodils look ready to sprout. I’m excited!

It is very fitting that Holi, the festival of colors, will also be celebrated this month. Holi heralds the coming of spring as well as the triumph of good over evil. Growing up in Mumbai, Holi brings back nostalgic memories of being smothered in bright colors and sprayed with pichkaari’s (water pistols). Nerf super soakers don’t really match up! 

March also heralds the Tax season and I’m sure you are busy getting paperwork in order before the April 18th deadline. 

Earlier this month, we lost one of finest actors of Malayalam cinema, Kalabhavan Mani. Mani started as a mimicry artist in the Kalabhavan troupe and starred in over 200 films in Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu. He won a National Film Award and the Kerala State Film Award in 1999 for his outstanding performance in Vaasanthiyum, Lakshmiyum, pinne Njaanum. His legacy will live through his cinema. 

Easter is also just around the corner. I sincerely wish you all a very Blessed Easter! Many of you will be breaking your Lenten fast with a sumptuous spread at your Easter meal with friends and family, while the kids enjoy loading up their baskets with Easter eggs and chocolate bunnies.

The EC 2016 team is excited to present their first event, Glitz & Glam Family night on Saturday, April 2nd, 2016. We hope to see you all there with your families ready to shake a leg and have a good time!

And finally, I wish those of you with school going children a fantastic Spring Break, whether that be spending quality time with family at home or going some place nice. We wish you safe travels! 

I leave you with a quote: 

“Optimism is a courageous choice you can make every day, especially in the face of adversity. Life is not Perfect, Life is not Easy, Life is Good.” 

– By brothers Bert and John Jacobs

Until next issue….

Warm regards,

Anu Kurian

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COMA Newsletter February 2016

Editors letter

Dear friends,

FullSizeRender-2Here we are in the month of February, that too a Leap February! What a month it has been so far! El Nino struck again bringing us spring like temperatures. Even storm system ‘Jonas’, which left most of the East Coast crippled & battered with record snowfall, showed us its merciful side. And of course, there are days like today to remind us that we do live in Ohio after all!

The last month has also left us mourning the deaths of some legends. There is the most unfortunate demise of actress & comedian Kalpana Ranjani. I’m sure most of us will remember her fondly through her film legacy. We also lost music great David Bowie who very aptly will be remembered through these famous lyrics, “We can be heroes, just for one day”.

On an exciting note, your 2016 COMA EC team has been working round the clock to bring you their first event Glitz & Glam Family Night on Saturday, April 2nd, 2016! I’ve attempted to give you a sneak peak into some of the fun filled activities they’ve planned for you. Its sure to be a winner, so don’t miss out!

February also boasts one of my favorite holiday traditions, Valentines Day. To me, Valentines is much more than just a romantic day, its more a celebration of love at its best! We’d love to see pictures of your Valentines celebrations, so send them in and we will be happy to share them on the COMA website.

And finally, for the Christians among us, we wish you blessed Lenten season. A lovely quote that comes to mind is, “Where there is great love, there are always miracles.” -Willa Sibert Cather

In this edition:

  • Glitz & Glam Family Night
  • A memory that will be remembered by Megha Rajesh
  • Priya Kumar’s Graduation from Columbus State Community College
  • New family in town
  • Mrs & Mr Jacob Vengal (COMA Trustee) celebrate 25 years of marriage
  • Malayalam story ‘Kallu Kudichaalulla Vina’ by Anjana S Nair
  • Naadan Njandu Roast by Nancy Joseph
  • Fashion featuring Vidya S Chandran
  • COMA Annual Membership Renewal
  • COMA Youth Wing
  • Charity Talk

Thanks for reading! Until next issue…

Warm regards,

Anu Kurian

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COMA Newsletter January 2016


Editor’s letter

Dear friends,

Welcome to the first edition of the 2016 newsletter. That warm fuzzy holiday feeling still permeates the air. Can you believe it’s 2016 already? New Year, new resolutions, and a time for new beginnings! My New Year resolution, besides getting fit (ha-ha!), is to push the envelope and step out of my comfort zone. I am therefore excited to take on the mantle of Newsletter Editor from Smitha Nishant. Smitha has done a splendid job and laid a wonderful platform to build on in 2016! This is also a time to bid adieu to last year’s awesome COMA Team and welcome this year’s new Executive Committee.

In the words of Ajoy Kumar, EC 2016 President, “Our vision for this year is  ‘myCOMA’. We aspire to make COMA relevant and interesting for multi-generations; and enable the patrons to have ownership and patronage of your COMA activities in the community.” 

The newsletter this year will feature sections such as;

YATRA: we would love to hear about your travels and adventures to new & exotic destinations, but equally nostalgic trips back to Gods own country

PACHAKAM: we invite your favorite recipes with a picture of your drool worthy creations

YOUTH ZONE: an opportunity for your children to express themselves and see their work published. Kids of all ages are actively welcomed to contribute; whether it be a picture, a poem, a narrative, we want to hear from COMA kids!

FASHION: Ladies (and gentlemen)!!! We’d love to see pictures of you flaunt your personal style and keep us ‘pardesis‘ current with ‘desi‘ fashion trends.

SPOTLIGHT: if you are a new family in town, you’ve hit an important milestone (significant birthday/ wedding anniversary/academic accomplishment), welcomed a new addition to your family, won awards/felicitation or simply want to showcase a hobby or talent (like photography, art) then here’s your opportunity to tell us about it!

This year we have an end of year Award Ceremony planned in December with a Readers Choice Award and Kids Award for the most popular contributions. In addition to this, we are excited to announce a 2016 COMA Yearbook in which we want to feature significant contributions of COMA patrons of all age groups. So get your creative juices going and start sending your submissions in early!

Hope you are as excited as we are to start this year with a BANG! I hope to see more new faces, fresh ideas and connect with you through your participation. No contribution is too big or small. I look forward to your input on

Warm regards,

Anu Kurian

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COMA Newsletter December 2015

From the Editor’s desk

2015_12_SmithaDear newsletter readers,

The holidays are around the corner and 2015 is coming to an end. The COMA 2015 Christmas Party was a fitting end to a very fruitful year for our Malayalee association.

The COMA newsletter has grown significantly this year. We were able to bring you interesting news relating to a wide variety of topics: achievements, birth announcements, graduation news, travelogues, adventures, youth contributions, local events, and interviews, to name a few. We have successfully met our target to consistently reach out to the community with a monthly newsletter – a significant feat for a small community and budding organization like ours.

Leading the newsletter this year has given me the good fortune to work very closely with the 2015 Executive Committee, and I take this opportunity to thank them for their constant support (and for giving me a free reign). I would like to especially thank Arun Radhakrishnan (President) for his outstanding leadership, and Nish Nishant (General Secretary) for his technical support with publishing the newsletter and sharing it with COMA’s reader base. Special thanks also goes to Adithya Nair for coordinating the youth contributions.

And lastly, my sincere gratitude to all the contributors and readers for your continued interest and support.

I have decided to hang up the notepad and step down as the newsletter editor for COMA due to personal commitments. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Anu Kurian who has cheerfully agreed to serve as the next COMA newsletter editor. She has a lot of new ideas and plans on how to take the newsletter forward, so we have much to look forward to next year. I wish Anu all the very best! I hope you continue to read and support the COMA newsletter.

With that, I bid adieu, and leave you with a final thought: “On the keyboard of life, always keep one finger on the Escape key.

Wishing you all happy holidays and a wonderful new year!!!

Smitha Nishant

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