Spring is here. But this spring is like no other we have seen. Ohio has put a “stay at home” order in place. We are at a critical moment in this fight against COVID-19. We will win this fight, but we will end sooner and with far fewer people sick if we strictly follow the guidelines being requested by medical professionals and leaders. Most of us are stuck woking from home, helping children with their online learning and doing our best to keep calm. Getting outdoors can be relaxing during these stressful times. Here are some outdoor activities you can take up now:
- Start growing your own food. Right now is the perfect time to sow seeds of crops that can tolerate spring frosts.
- Start cleaning out your shrub and flower beds. Ideally, you should wait to cut back perennials and rake leaves out of garden beds until the daytime temperatures are regularly in the 50s since many pollinators and other beneficial insects are still hibernating for the winter.
- Prepare your containers for planting. Bring all your pots out of storage and scrub them with a 10% bleach solution, inside and out, to get rid of any lingering fungal diseases from last season.
- Prune your woody perennials. Plants like butterfly bushes, caryopteris and Russian sage are known as woody perennials.
- Prune your roses. If you’re a rose grower, head out to the garden and trim off any winter-killed stems, crossing branches and overgrown canes.
- Edge garden beds. With all this time on our hands, make the most of it by putting a crisp, clean edge on all your garden beds.
- Pressure wash patios, decks and porches. Early spring is also a great time to get out the pressure washer and brighten things up.
Reflections or Ramblings (# 6): ചിന്താശകലങ്ങള്
-Hari Narayanaswamy

മതവും മദവും
മനുഷ്യന് മനുഷ്യനെക്കൊല്ലാന്
മദമൊരു കാരണം
മതവും ഒരു കാരണം
മദംകൊണ്ടു മതിമറന്നവനേതു മതം?
വിശ്വാസവും ജ്ഞാനവും
വിശ്വാസിക്കവിശ്വാസി ദു:ഖം
അവിശ്വാസിക്കു വിശ്വാസി ദു:ഖം
അജ്ഞാനിയ്ക്ക് ജ്ഞാനി മോക്ഷം
ജ്ഞാനിയ്ക്കജ്ഞാനിയും ദൈവം
ഈശ്വരനു പേരിട്ടിട്ടാ-
പേരിൻ പേരില്
പോരു നടത്തീട്ടാ
പോരിന് പേരില്
അധര്മം വാഴിച്ചീടിനവരില്
ആര്ക്കു സ്വര്ഗ്ഗം മാളോരേ?
ലോകകാര്യം പറവതിനെ-
നിക്കെത്രയോ ഭാഷകള്
മൌനമെന്നൊരു ഭാഷമാത്രം
അര്ത്ഥം കളഞ്ഞിട്ടര്ത്ഥം തേടണം
അര്ത്ഥത്തിന്നപ്പുറമുള്ളത് നേടണം
(*Truth is a pathless land – J.Krishnmurthy)
എന്റെയുള്ളില് ഒരു നൂറു ‘ഞാന്’ ഉണ്ട്
പിന്നെ, ഞാനറിയാത്ത ഒരു ഞാനും
Coconut oil is not poison
-Sreejith Menon

The famous “saturated fats are bad for you” myth has been around for quite a few decades now. How did this myth come to be?
The first correlation was observed before World War I, merely through studying hospitalisation patterns. However, it became more prominent when a team led by Ancel Keys conducted the famous seven countries study.
Come 20th century, ‘how saturated fats are full of cholesterol and vegetable oils are not’ lobbying started. This single research changed the way people died in the 20th century. This single research killed millions and is still killing millions. The vegetable oil companies cared less, because the research was in perfect alignment with what they were selling.
Coming back to vegetable oils, most of them were sold to us saying they’re low in cholesterol, the fact is they do not have cholesterol. These so called “no cholesterol” oils, can cause inflammation which is the root cause of many illnesses in humans. Ayurveda confirms this. Our bodies were never meant to process PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids) or MUFAs(Mono-unsaturated fatty acids) or trans fats.
So what do we do? What’s next?
Discontinue the use of vegetable oils and switch back to nammude swantham coconut oil, Butter and Ghee.
Coconut oil is one of the best and safest oils for consumption and requires minimal processing. While there are no magical benefits of having coconut oil if your overall nutrition and lifestyle is bad, it’s still better than having refined oils.
Fun Fact: Number of people having heart issues in South India where people eat coconut oil are far far far less compared to people in North India. In India, a person dies of heart attack every 4 minutes. Heart attacks lead the chart for reason of death. It’s a big scam, a money making industry, that’s what it is. Jago grahak, Jago!
P.S – I am not a Dr, but here are some research articles you can read for your awareness.
Recipe Corner
Okra curry (Kerala style with kudampuli)
-Deepa Vinay

Small Okra- 15 nos.
Small onion (Shallot) – 4 nos.
Ginger – 1 small piece
Green chilli – 2 nos.
Curry leaves – few
Kudampuli (pot tamarind) – 2 pieces or ½ piece tomato
Turmeric- 1/4 tsp
Chilli powder- 1 tsp
Cashmere chilli powder – 1 tsp (optional-it will give nice color)
Fenugreek powder- pinch (optional)
Coconut milk – 1 cup
Oil – 4 tsp (use coconut oil as it will give authentic Kerala curry taste)
Salt as needed
- Wash small tender okras and dry with a paper towel. Remove the head and base of okra and, cut it into two pieces.
- Crush 2 small onions and ginger and, keep it aside.
- Heat 3 tsp oil in a pan and shallow fry cut okras.
- Add crushed onion and ginger to fried okra and sauté for ½ minute or until the raw aroma of ginger disappears
- Add chilli powder, turmeric powder, salt and curry leaves. Mix well and let it cook till the raw smell is gone
- Add one cup of water and kudampuli in it. Let it cook until gravy thickens
- Now add coconut milk & sliced green chilli to the gravy. Simmer the flame and stir occasionally.
- When gravy thickens into semi medium consistency, add pinch of fenugreek powder on the top
- Prepare the tempering by heating 1 tsp oil, two sliced small onions and few curry leaves.
- Pour the tempering over the curry, close the pan, switch of the flame, and let it stay for 5 minutes.
- Curry is now ready to be served with rice or chapattis

Mango curry
-Rosmi Arun

ചേരുവകൾ – 1

1 . പച്ചമാങ്ങ (ചെറുതായി അരിഞ്ഞത്) – 1 എണ്ണം
2 . ഇടത്തരം സവാള (നീളത്തിൽ അരിഞ്ഞത്) – 1 എണ്ണം
3 . ഇഞ്ചി (നീളത്തിൽ അരിഞ്ഞത്) – 1 ടേബിൾ സ്പൂൺ
4 . പച്ചമുളക് (നീളത്തിൽ അരിഞ്ഞത്) – 2 എണ്ണം
5 . കറി വേപ്പ് ഇല – 1 ഇതൾ
6 . ഉപ്പ് – ആവശ്യത്തിന്
7 . മഞ്ഞൾ പൊടി – 1/2 ടേബിൾ സ്പൂൺ
8 . മുളക് പൊടി – 3/4 ടേബിൾ സ്പൂൺ
9 . മല്ലി പൊടി – 2 1/2 ടേബിൾ സ്പൂൺ
10 . വെള്ളം – 2 കപ്പ്
11 . തേങ്ങാപാൽ – 1 ടിൻ (Chaokoh Coconut milk tin)
ചേരുവകൾ – 2
1 . വെളിച്ചെണ്ണ – 2 ടേബിൾ സ്പൂൺ
2 . കടുക് – 1 ടീസ്പൂൺ
3 . ഉലുവ – 1 ടീസ്പൂൺ
4 . വറ്റൽ മുളക് – 3 എണ്ണം
5 . കറി വേപ്പ് ഇല – 1 ഇതൾ
പാചകം ചെയ്യേണ്ട വിധം
1 . ഒരു ഇടത്തരം ചീനച്ചട്ടി എടുത്തു ചേരുവകൾ 1 -ൽ പറഞ്ഞിരിക്കുന്ന 1 മുതൽ 9 വരെ ഉള്ള ചേരുവകൾ ഓരോന്നായി ചേർക്കുക. നല്ല പോലെ കൈ കൊണ്ട് കൂട്ടി തിരുമ്മി 10 മിനിറ്റ് മാറ്റി വയ്ക്കുക.
2 . രണ്ട് കപ്പ് വെള്ളം അതിലേക്ക് ഒഴിക്കുക. നല്ല പോലെ ഒരു തവി എടുത്ത് ഇളക്കുക. (നാട്ടിൽ ആണെങ്കിൽ ഒരു തേങ്ങ പിഴിഞ്ഞ് അതിൻ്റെ മൂന്നാം പാലും രണ്ടാം പാലും ചേർക്കും വെള്ളത്തിന് പകരം)
3 . ഒരു മീഡിയം തീയിൽ 10 മിനിറ്റ് ഇതിനെ വേവിക്കാൻ വയ്ക്കുക. ചീനച്ചട്ടി മൂടി വയ്ക്കുക. ഇടക്ക് തുറന്ന് ഇളക്കി കൊടുക്കുക.
4 . മാങ്ങ വെന്തു കഴിയുമ്പോൾ അതിലേക്ക് ഒരു ടിൻ തേങ്ങാപാൽ ഒഴിച്ച് നല്ല പോലെ ഇളക്കി ചേർക്കുക. തീ കുറച്ചു കൂട്ടി വയ്ക്കാം (നാട്ടിൽ ആണെങ്കിൽ ഒന്നാം പാൽ ഒഴിക്കുക)
5 . നല്ല പോലെ തിളച്ചു കഴിയുമ്പോൾ തീ നിറുത്തി ചീനച്ചട്ടി മാറ്റി വയ്ക്കുക.
6 . താളിച്ചെടുക്കാനായി ഒരു ചെറിയ പാൻ എടുത്തു മീഡിയം തീയിൽ വയ്ക്കുക. ചേരുവ 2 – ൽ പറഞ്ഞിരിക്കുന്ന 2 ടേബിൾ സ്പൂൺ വെളിച്ചെണ്ണ എടുത്ത് ചൂടാക്കുക. ചൂടായി കഴിയുമ്പോൾ അതിലേക്ക് ഉലുവ, കടുക്, വറ്റൽ മുളക് (കടുക് പൊട്ടിയതിന് ശേഷം), കറി വേപ്പ് ഇല എന്നിവ ഇട്ട് കൊടുക്കുക. തീ നിറുത്തി, മാറ്റി വച്ചിരിക്കുന്ന മാങ്ങാക്കറിയിലേക്ക് ഒഴിച്ച് ഒരു മൂടിക വച്ച് അടച്ചു വയ്ക്കുക.
7 . മാങ്ങാക്കറി തയ്യാർ. ഇത് നല്ല കുത്തരി ചോറിനോടപ്പം കുറച്ചു തോരനും കുറച്ചു ബീഫ് ഉലർത്തിയതും കൂട്ടി അടിച്ചാൽ – കുശാൽ 🙂

Youth Corner
Global Warming – A colossal conundrum
-Gaurinanda Sudheesh

Climate change is a gargantuan predicament that concerns the whole world. It is also called global warming because of how it heats up the Earth. It is mainly caused by greenhouses gases being released into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are gases that trap heat. Which results in the planet warming up. Some of the greenhouse gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide, Methane, Nitrous oxide, and chlorofluorocarbons. Many different people help solve climate change, including Greta Thunberg, other teen activists, and even you.
At the United Nations Climate Action Summit on Monday, September 23, 2019, there were a lot of speeches made by world leaders but there was one that stood out. It was a speech made by Greta Thunberg a 16-year-old climate activist from Sweden. She tries to reduce climate change in many different ways. In the Newsela article Greta Thunberg “a bit surprised” to be Time Person of the Year Greta Thunberg states, “Every fraction of adegree matters.” This shows that Greta Thunberg believes that even if the climate goes up by a fraction of a degree, it will add up and affect us in the end. It is inspiring how Greta Thunberg motivates lots of people, both older and younger than her.

She gives speeches to world leaders in order to convince them to make their country eco-friendly. For a 16-year- old person to talk to world leaders much, much older than her, she must have a lot of bravery and courage. Most people probably wouldn’t be able to do that when they are 16.When she travels around the world to attend marches and give speeches, she goes by boat instead of a plane in order to reduce her carbon footprint on the world. She convinces others to think of global warming as their top concern. She even convinced her own mother, who was an actress, to go by boat or train to her performances, instead of flying in a plane. She attends many marches around the world that sheds light on global warming. She also convinced other people in Europe to ride on trains instead of planes. It was so powerful, that the movement is called the Greta Effect. These are some ways Greta Thunberg helps reduce climate change, but there are many more teen climate activists.
Greta Thunberg is a really inspiring climate activist, but there are many more young people who raise awareness of climate and reduce global warming. One is Isra Hirsi, 16, who is an American climate activist who co-founded and is the co-executive director of U.S. Youth Climate Strike. Founding a company at 16 is a great accomplishment. Another young person is Autumn Peltier who is an activist who believes in clean water, she is called “water warrior”. Another teen climate activist is Bruno Rodriguez who is 19, leader of the Fridays For Future Movement in Argentina. He was also invited to a climate summit at the United Nations. Helena Gualinga another youth climate activist. She also speaks in communities in the rain forest to raise climate change awareness. Emma Lim, an 18-year-old Canadian activist, is also raising awareness on climate change. She founded the#NoFutureNoChildren program. Now that we’ve looked at what activists do to solve climate change, let’s see what we can do.
Now you may be thinking about how you can help stop climate change or at least how you can reduce climate change. One way is by reducing how much carbon you let into the atmosphere. Now you may say, I don’t let carbon into the atmosphere, factories do that. Well, you do. Things you use every day let out carbon, automobiles, home heating, cooling systems, and electricity are only four of the many. It is truly shocking once we realize how much carbon we individually let into the atmosphere. The third thing you can do is recycle and reduce your plastic. You are probably tired of hearing this again and again, but plastic takes a long time to decompose, and it makes most of the items we use. So if we reduce the plastic we throw away into landfills, it saves the planet. We can also help by composting food waste. It gets rid of the food waste that gets into landfills, and it makes fertile soil for crops. Using renewable and eco-friendly energy resources, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric energy helps the environment. Although these approaches may seem like they could never help solve this immense quandary, it actually does help reduce climate change.
As you can see many different people help solve climate change, Greta Thunberg and other teen activists help worldwide. But even you can do things that solve this colossal conundrum. There is no age limit to saving the planet, you can be old or young. In fact, most of the climate activists around the world are children or teenagers. Climate change could be reduced if everyone pitched in. Are you going to do something to save the planet today? From our community, we need more activists like Greta. This is the time to step up and save Mother Earth.
We would love for our youth members to collaborate and contribute. Please reach out to us if you would like to share any articles, join hands to support COMA’s Youth wing’s goal-Fund raising event or help educate to reduce the use of single use plastic.

This may be coming a little late, but better late than never ,isn’t it. With lot going on the current situation, excuse us for being late to put out this word.
We would like to thank one and everyone co-operated to make the COMAngam event a success. We saw all the great talents on the stage. What an evening it was. We would like to appreciate all the effort behind the curtains, that went into the making of this event. All of them played an important role in the success and organizing.
Smitha Sunil, Anju Anil Kumar, Aishwarya Arun managed the front desk. With all the time constraints we had, they did a wonderful job to make sure registration was completed by the planned time.
Janaki Nair, Arun Chand, & Manjula Nair planned, scripted and executed the compering, they spent an enormous amount of homework planning and scripting every inch of the presentation. Though we had to cut down a significant portion of it due to the time constraint, we owe our apology for that.
The duo, Dennis Thomas & Vinay Kumar handled the entire audio. Thank you very much for your effort & contributions. They were kind to accommodate both the team’s needs and demands. I am sure only they would know the limitation they had with the limited technology & equipment that we had for the night.
Biji Prakash,Saranya Anoop organized the awesome stage decoration.
We had Harı Naraynaswami, Veda Warrier, Rekha Nair, Veena Binoop on the Judge panel. We know how difficult a task was it to judge such excellent performances. We couldn’t have asked for better.
Most of the food committee members couldn’t enjoy the best of the performances that COMA ever saw, but they graciously worked to make sure we enjoyed the dinner too. Food was handled by the following
Praveen Kumar, Adit Anup, Anup Janardhanan, Ajoy Kumar, Ajayan Janardhanan, Sunil Warrier, Chris, Freneymon John, Kannan Radhakrishna Pillai, Thomas Oommen, Manoj Thomas, Gopinath Haridass, Jayakumar Madathil. We owe you one big THANK YOU for all your selfless effort.
Here is the photo link to the event COMANGAM – https://www.photosaga.photography/COMANGAM/
Password – 2020
Nice work Sreejith and Smitha!(Editors)
Thank you, authors for your contribution!